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computer aided teaching中文是什么意思

用"computer aided teaching"造句"computer aided teaching"怎么读"computer aided teaching" in a sentence


  • 电脑辅助教学。


  • With the improvement of teaching equipment and teaching means , more and more teachers begin making and using the multi - medium cai , and realizing the computer aided teaching
  • The computer aided teaching system plays an important role in the teaching and management in school now . at present , those computer aided teaching systems which have been used were based on c / s ( or b / s ) technique mostly . but the application of p2p makes the network content move from center to edge
    计算机辅助教学系统在学校教学和管理中正起着越来越重要的作用,当前已投入使用的计算机辅助教学系统大都基于c / s (或b / s )技术, p2p技术的应用使网络内容由中心向边缘移动。
  • In this paper , the design method of computer aided teaching system based on web and database is studied . based on it , a teaching platform of machine design course is developed , and it can also be applied to others relative online course and distance teaching system
  • The paper introduced the research and implementation of computer aided teaching system p2pec ( p2p - based education and communication ) based on p2p jxta technique . the system has the advantages such as smaller investment , stronger ability of enlargement and upgrade , better stabilization and so on
    本文采用p2pjxta技术研究与实现一个基于p2p网络的计算机辅助教学系统p2pec ( p2p - basededucationandcommunication ) ,该系统具有投资较小、扩展和升级能力较高、系统稳定等特点。
  • It has better practicability and is easy to communion between teachers and students , share the resources and cooperating work . the paper work mainly includes : by investing the current computer aided teaching system based on c / s , it compared the characters of the c / s mode with p2p mode and summed up the advantages of the computer aided teaching system based on p2p ; by discussing the mechanism of aided teaching based on p2p , it discussed the new characters in the process of computer aided teaching system design and some important technique which can be used aiming at p2p environment ; it has researched , analyzed and designed the computer aided teaching system based on p2p ( p2pec )
    本论文所做的工作有:对当前基于c / s模式的计算机辅助教学系统调查和研究,比较c / s模式和p2p模式各自的特点,总结基于p2p网络的计算机辅助教学系统的优点;探讨基于p2p网络的辅助教学机制,针对p2p环境,对辅助教学系统设计过程中的一些新特点和可以采用的若干重要技术进行深入的讨论;对基于p2p的网络辅助教学系统p2pec进行研究、系统分析、总体设计;对p2pec系统及其子系统进行具体设计,详细阐述其模块的设计思想;对p2pec系统中实现的基本活动组、网上自主调课、网上答疑、课件协同制作等子系统的设计做了详细的讨论。
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